Custom Software Development

software development

Custom Software Development

Let us assist with any of your requirements that involve software applications, whether your requirements involve the creation of a new application or support for an existing orphaned application.

Our development methodology is that of – Rapid Application Development. The tool we use is well suited to this approach. Magic xpa developers are less troubled with the technicalities of how they can be achieved. The focus is on user requirements and allows for interaction with and feedback from users in the development stage. And as a bonus the application can be deployed on various platforms.

Some industries we have created solutions for include:

  • Administrative

    Software for administrative management — to handle inventory and give an administrative overview of the organization, where inventory has been used and the frequency reports to help with purchasing new stock from local vendors.

  • Shipping/Demurrage

    Automated infrastructure software for demurrage calculations, billing and collection for shipping lines and demurrage collection agencies

  • Insurance/Brokerage

    Insurance industry software that unified the documentation and reporting for both insurers and clients.

  • Printery

    Software that allowed printeries to track the status of all jobs along with sales valuation and late production analysis.

  • Sport Clubs/Member Management

    Software that gave the ability to manage members across the organization, including identity card management, access roles, subscriptions and special events.

  • Accounting/Payroll

    Customized payroll solution that embraces the idiosyncrasies of the many industry types we have in Trinidad & Tobago. All statutory reports as specified by the Government of Trinidad and Tobago are present.

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